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The agricultural industry relies on huge power supplies. Almost every agriculture and agribusiness use automated systems to keep production running. Even short - term power cuts can have a devastating impact on livestock and crops. Backup diesel generators are essential for farms and other businesses engaged in agricultural production.


A blackout at a business location means a huge loss of revenue at cash registers, personnel and financial security challenges, trouble with IT and any other automation equipment, and a complete shutdown of operations. None of these inconveniences and losses can match the cost of investing in standby diesel generators.

Diesel generators enable you to protect your business interests, revenues, keep your operations running smoothly, avoid losing business to competitors and maintain security 


Diesel generators are imperative in the construction industry. Continuous power outages can lead to project completion delayed and high costs due to falling behind schedule.
Generators provide needed electricity to light buildings on 24/7, and also provide backup power to the main grid in case of power outage due to external forces or an accident/interference at the construction. In addition, portable generators can be moved from one station to another in minutes or hours.

Data Center

Computers and data centers are the heart of every industry today. Data for many industries is stored on both manual and cloud servers, and they need to have access to this data at all times for their business to run successfully. 
Diesel generator sets can provide consistent and immediate backup power when the power grid fails, which is very reliable for this industry. They ensure that the data center is always online even in the event of a natural disaster.


Healthcare is one of the most sensitive industries. Without diesel generator to provide backup power in case of  power outage or power failure, many patients in the medical institution would lose their lives. Severely ill and injured patients such as those in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) would  be in danger.

Diesel generators are the most reliable backup power source for hospitals because they are easier to maintain than natural gas generators, and diesel gensets can provide uninterrupted power when the grid fails . 


When a power outage occurs in aindustry, they will affect all production processes-from raw material processing to product sales. Backup diesel generators provide emergency power in case of power failure, protecting the  industry from huge product, financial and reputation losses.


MECCA diesel generators are widely used in mining operations around the world. Whether mined for gas, coal, iron or precious metals, diesel generators are always the first choice because they are portable and can be easily used in high-priced mining areas under extreme conditions.

Diesel's low volatility can also make it safer than petrol in mining. MECCA diesel generators have extremely high strength, durability and capacity in mining operations, making them the perfect power sources and standby option for all heavy activities in the mining fields. 


Usually, Oil and gas exploration takes place in remote areas with tough conditions. Without on-site diesel generators, it’s impossible to work in these areas, because most of them are far away from the grid. Modern drilling rigs also need powerful, efficient, and reliable generators during operation; and only diesel generators meet this requirement.

Power Plant

When the main grid power fails, diesel generators are often found at the plants to power essential functions such as pumps, fans, hydraulic units, battery chargers and other critical functions. Most importantly, for a hydroelectric plant, diesel generators can also be used to start and control spillway gates to prevent flooding if the main grid loses power. 


Nowadays, the increasing reliability of base stations, data centers and infrastructure in remote areas, backup power supplies for telecommunication equipment are becoming more and more important. Although batteries and capacitors can handle many applications, diesel generators are increasingly responsible for providing backup power for unmanned operations in remote areas, data centers and communication towers.
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